

  • Thomas Daniel


    When you encounter issues with incorrect space calculation and disk space running out, it’s essential to take steps to resolve the situation. Let’s address this by considering a few actions: Check Index Fragmentation and Page Density: Index fragmentation occurs when the logical ordering of index pages (based on key values) doesn’t match the physical ordering. Over time, modifications (inserts, updates, deletes) can scatter data in the index, leading to fragmentation.
    Heavily fragmented indexes can degrade query performance due to additional I/O requirements.Verify Drive Indexing on Windows:In Windows, indexing allows faster file searches by maintaining an index of file locations and content. Open Indexing Options and ensure that the directories you commonly access are included in the index. Rebuild the Windows Search Index: Press Windows Key + S and type “indexing,” then click on Indexing Options.
    Click Advanced and under Troubleshooting, choose Rebuild. Monitor Disk Space Usage: Regularly check your disk space usage to prevent unexpected issues. Consider using tools like Disk Cleanup to remove unnecessary files and free up space. Remember to perform these actions carefully.

    I hope this useful to you.

    Best regard

    Covered California

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  • Alexey Udalov

    Hi Thomas,
    Thank you for the reply.
    I’m talking about web interface and your backend. So, the broblem is at your backend. Operating system is not involved.

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  • Rona

    Hi Alexey, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    It indicates that you have already collaborated with one of our team members. Please keep an eye out on your existing ticket and we'll stay in touch. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Alexey Udalov

    Hi Rona, if you are able to run that mysterious script mentioned everywhere by the community and support team, I would really appreciate. Having paid account and having no ability to upload anything for few days is kind of disappointing. Please consider to help.
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Alexey Udalov

    Can someone fix my account?

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