I Transferred a folder with success but the new folder location is empty and now I can't find any of the documents.

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  • Ina Birkeland

    I have the same trouble today and hope someone can help to solve this.

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  • Rona

    Hi Jonathan, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    How did you transferred the folder? To get a closer look, would you mind sharing your workflow? 

    We'd love to further assist!

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  • jonathan

    Hello Rona,

    I had clicked the blue check box of the folder then on the top right menu, I clicked on “Move” then chose the folder that was shared to me by a colleague. 

    The Folder shared by my colleague is still visible but remains empty and may appear to never load.. This is the case from mine and my colleagues end. Files just disappeared.

    Please help asap as Box support is extremely slow..

    Also, not sure how to share the workflow?

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