Storage being reported full but isn't

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  • Ruby Williams


    It sounds like you're encountering a storage issue with Box where your account reports as full despite having 25GB available out of 50GB total. First, ensure you’ve emptied your trash, as deleted files still occupy space until permanently removed. Also, review any large shared folders under "Shared With Me" and remove those not needed. Sometimes, Box’s storage calculation might be delayed, so wait a few hours to see if it updates correctly. If the issue persists, contact Box support for assistance, providing details about your account and the problem.

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  • Misty Moore


    I understand the frustration you’re experiencing with your Box storage. Let’s troubleshoot this issue together.

    Box Storage Quota Issue:
    It appears that your 50GB storage account is reporting as full even though you don’t reach the 25GB limit.
    First, let’s check if there’s any discrepancy in the reported usage.
    Box Drive utilizes a cache on your local hard drive. By default, this cache is set to 25GB or 50% of your hard drive space (if your machine has less than 50GB of free space).
    If you have cleared files and the issue persists, consider the following steps:
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    Clear Cache:
    Open Box Drive settings.
    Look for an option to clear the cache or reduce its size.
    Clear the cache and restart Box Drive.
    Check Trash Folder:
    Ensure that you’ve emptied the trash folder in Box. Deleted files still count toward your storage until they are permanently removed.
    Verify Folder Sizes:
    Double-check the size of the folder containing your 25GB data. Sometimes hidden files or subfolders contribute to the total size.
    Contact Box Support:
    If none of the above resolves the issue, reach out to Box Support. They can investigate further and assist you with any account-specific issues.
    Additional Tips:
    Regularly review your files and delete any unnecessary items to free up space.
    Consider moving large files to another cloud storage solution if you continue to encounter issues.
    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance.  securespend visa

    Best Regards


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  • Alexey Udalov

    Could you please re-index my account as well. Everything was done per the recommendations, but nothing happens.

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  • Rona

    Hi Adam, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To look further into this issue, I've created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Adam Nelson


    I thought I *was* contacting Box support? I can't see a way to contact support other than this forum. 

    I don't have Box installed on any machines, I access it only through a browser or the app on my phone, so there isn't any cache to clear. Similarly there are no hidden folders I can see through the browser so I don't know where else I'd find them. Why would they be hidden?


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