Co-admin can't run reports

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  • Rona

    Hi Michael, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    Please reach out to your Primary Admin and check if your Co-Admin has access to run reports. 

    Co-admins are allowed only the specific admin-level permissions defined by your organization administrator. 

    1. Go to Admin Console > Users & Groups.
    2. Click the Managed Users tab.
    3. Click the name of a managed user with the role of Co-admin.
    4. Open the Role and Access Permissions section.
    5. Click Edit.
    6. Make any desired changes in the Co-admin Permission section. See Users & Groups Settings for details about each permission.
    7. Check if it's enabled, "Reports and Settings> Run new reports and access existing reports."
    8. Click Save.

    Hope it helps! 


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  • Michael Colucci

    Hi Rona,

    Yes, as I mentioned above, I did give the person the run new reports and access existing reports under role and access permissions. The person can see Reports in the admin console and click Create Report, put in parameters, but when they go to run the report, they get the error Your account does not have permissions to upload this report output. Please contact your company's Box admin for permissions to create a 'Box Reports' folder and create files and folders within that 'Box Reports' folder.

    I gave the user Edit capabilities to the Box Report folder manually and they see the folder can copy information into the folder can create new files in the folder through the web interface. But they can't any reports using the report tool. 

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  • Dean Chandler

    Same issue. Not an intuitive fix, but I found that the Co-admin permissions were too restrictive for the user whom I wanted to run reports. I only had the Co-admin defined for the following permissions:
    File synchronize functionality between Box and the users desktop
    View managed users when inviting collaborators
    Log in to users' account
    Run new reports and access existing reports

    I intended to add 1 additional permission at a time and have the user test. The first additional permission I chose (Manage Groups) allowed for the automatic creation of a Box Reports folder when the Co-admin logged in again and ran a report, and the report completed.

    Once the Box Reports folder was created, I removed the additional permission, and the Co-admin was still able to run reports. Like I said, not intuitive.


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