Colleague changed mobile number and can not access 2FA to login

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  • Esther Smith


    I understand the situation. Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to logins by requiring a second verification step. Here’s how you can address this:

    Contact Support: Reach out to the service provider (e.g., the platform or site where 2FA is enabled) and explain the situation. They can assist in disabling 2FA or providing alternative access options.
    Recovery Options: Some services offer recovery codes or backup methods for situations like this. Check if your colleague has any recovery codes or backup authentication methods associated with their account.
    Mobile App: If your colleague used a mobile app (like Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) for 2FA, they might need to install it on their new phone and re-add the account. The app should generate new codes for them.
    Temporary Disabling: In some cases, the service provider can temporarily disable 2FA for the account. Once your colleague logs in, they can re-enable it with their new phone number.
    Remember that the exact steps depend on the specific service or platform. It’s best to contact their support directly for personalized assistance.  

    Best Regards













































    floridablue login

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  • Yuta Suzuki



    Thank you for your prompt response.

    However, no matter how much I try to find the contact information for support, I keep coming back to this “”Box Support Community Support Forum“” page and can't find the contact information for support.
    If you know where I can find it, could you please let me know?
    Thank you in advance.

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  • Yuta Suzuki

    I mean, I want to know E-mail adress for Customer support , Chat service , or Phone Number to solve this problem.

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  • Ramon Reyes

    Thanks for making my work a lot easier. your post are appreciated.



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  • Rona

    Hi Yuta, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    In order to address the user's 2FA  issue, please have the affected user to contact Box Product Support and create a ticket. 

    We'd love to further assist! 

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  • Yuta Suzuki



    thank you for your reply!

    could you tell me the email adress or contact form to" Box Product Support"?

    I cant find that so I couldnt contact to support.

    best regard.

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