"Microsoft Excel Online Unavaiable" for *most* files

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  • Dan Speirs

    As a follow-up, we have noticed it is Folder specific. Some folders in Box.com you open a file and it says the file is unavailable to be opened. Like this 


    If you take the same file and put it in another folder and open it in Box.com you do get the option to open with Microsoft Excel Online.


    We are puzzled. Help.

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  • Rona

    Hi Dan, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To help address this issue, I created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Jennie Fitz

    Thanks for sharing!  

    Official Site 

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  • Dan Speirs

    Issue found. In the settings for folders the box under Privacy>Collaborators was checked. If you check this, Excel Online will not work for any files withing the folder. If Excel Online is not available for your files be sure to check this for each high level folder!


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  • warcreditspanish

    Thanks for addressing this issue.  It was helpful.




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