The resignation of the Box administrator.

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  • Rona

    Hi Ren, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    To change the Box Administrator from your Box instance, you can follow the steps below. 

    As the current Box admin of a Business or Enterprise account, you can change the Admin role to another managed user account.


    • This task can be performed only by the current Box Admin for your organization, logged in as the Box Admin.
    • If you have at least one verified domain, then the email addresses of both the current administrator and the managed user who will be assigned the Admin role must be members of those domains.
    1. While logged in as your organization's Box account Admin, go to Admin Console > Users and Groups.
    2. Click the Managed Users tab.
    3. Click your Admin account in the list of users (it will have the value Admin in the Role column).
    4. In the Role and Access Permissions section, click Edit.
    5. In the Role field, click the Change Account Admin link.
    6. In the Select Your Role field, select a new role. You can either set yourself to be a Co-Admin, which will allow you to retain some administrative control of the account, or as a general user on the account, which will remove your access to the Admin Console.
    7. In the New Admin field, enter the name of the managed user that will be the new Box account administrator.
    8. Click Save Changes.

    The existing administrator will receive an email notification to verify the change. The admin transfer will not occur until verified by the existing admin.

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Ren Ogasawara

    Hi, Rona.

    Thank you for your swift reply, 

    (As mentioned in the initial request)

    What is the procedure to be followed if the existing administrator has retired and there is no administrator?

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  • Ren Ogasawara

    Hi, Rona,

    Do you have any update on this problem?

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  • Rona

    Hi Ren, 

    Happy Friday! 

    You're currently logged in to your free personal account. To further assist you, please have someone from your Business account to contact Box Support and create a new ticket. 

    We'd love to further assist! 

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  • Ren Ogasawara

    Hi, Rona,

    I apologize for the delayed response.

    I believe

    are Business accounts. Should I consult with them regarding this?

    Alternatively, since we have identified these accounts, could we proceed with the delegation of authority request as is?

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