Transfer folder ownership for deleted user

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  • Rona

    Hi Lee, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    You can both delete your user and transfer his/her contents to another user. 

    To delete a managed user:

    1. Go to Admin Console > Users and Groups .
    2. Select the Managed Users tab.
    3. Click the user name.
    4. Click Delete User .
    5. If the user owns content in Box:
      1. Select either:
        • Transfer content and workflows to another user, and then enter the name or email address of another managed user in your organization that the deleted user's content will be transferred to. Content left in the user's trash will also be transferred.
        • Delete their content to delete the managed user's content and workflows. (This option is not available if your organization has Governance enabled or if the user owns only workflows.)
      2. Click Continue.
    6. Decide whether you want to notify the involved users. (You can choose to notify the deleted user at the email address in their managed user account, and also the user that content and workflows are being transferred to.)
    7. Click Delete User.
    8. If you use data residency zones and you are transferring content that will be moved to a different zone, click Continue in the Confirm Data Residency Migration dialog box.

    For more details, you can visit this article, 'Deleting Managed Users.'

    Thanks for posting! 

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