

  • Donald James Derrick

    I appear to have the same problem - my box won't sync. It lies and says I am out of space when we've not even used 1/10th of our supposed space. This issue seems to be a universal problem with cloud storage, so I am guessing it is hard to solve...

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  • Rona

    Hi there,

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To help address this issue, I created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • carlos

    how do i get help for the same thing?

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  • Box User

    BTW, I am still not getting help from the support

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  • Donald James Derrick

    None of us are - I am assuming Box customer support is either overworked or doesn't care about our plight.  

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