tracking user/viewer activity

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  • Rona

    Hi Melle, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!


    Tracking file activity is available only on the files of Starter, Business, Business Plus, and Enterprise accounts, and only are visible if you're an owner, co-owner, or editor of the file. If the "Hide collaborators and their activity from non-owners" setting is turned on for a folder, owners and co-owners still see file activity, but editors do not. 

    To get more details, you can visit this article

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Melle Hoff

    Hi Rona --

    Thanks so much for the info!  I've just upgraded to Starter and from the article you linked it seems like I can see tracked file activity (when files have been accessed, edited, or deleted), but it's not so transparent how to do that yet. I don't see how to access the "Content Insights".  I'll have to fish around a little for that and spend some more time playing with the application -- meanwhile, thanks again!

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