Box is showing more used space than I am using - solution didn't work
CompletedHi - I posted this the day before yesterday :
Hi, I have a problem that I have had once before with Box - on my accounts page it says I am using 92.6GB of my 100GB, however I have nothing like that uploaded to my Box. I have emptied the trash, but still it remains very high. This happened once before & I contacted Box & they sorted it out for me....I do need the space now, could you please help me get my space back?! Thanx!
You replied that it can take time for the space to show as clear, but it has been this was for a while now - it's not that I just deleted loads of files & didn't see the space immediately - it's that I have nothing like 90gb uploaded but that's what my account settings is showing! I have some big files I need to upload so I really need the space clearing - can you help me? It did happen once before & customer services was able to clear the space for me - it would be great to get that to happen again!
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