

  • Rona

    Hi Philippe, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Looks like you couldn't access files using your Windows machine If so, can you answer these questions? 

    • Are you trying to access the files through or your local Box folder? 
    • If it's the latter, kindly confirm your Operating System and Box version. 
    • If there's an error, please attach a screenshot in this forum. 

    We'd love to further assist! 

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  • Philippe FMJ Bauwens

    Hell support

    I am mainly using my local box folder. 

    This is windows 11.

    Box release 2.40.333

    There is no error. I can access my files both on and in my local folder.

    The only problem is that windows is not indexing the local box folder (c:\users\phili\box).

    Windows is indexing everything but the box folder.



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