What happens if I use up all the API calls?

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  • carey boch

    let's say we're in Business plan and we use up all 50k api calls. What happens after then? Does box charge additional fee per api call over 50k or it just returns error?

    secondly, how long would it take to upgrade plans? (we don't locksmithwant api to hang up in case of using up all the quota)

    Once you exceed the 50k API call limit in a Business plan, Box typically returns an error for additional locksmith requests rather than charging extra fees. To prevent service interruptions, you should monitor your API usage and upgrade your plan as needed.

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    To answer your API-related queries, you can go ahead and contact our Developer team by simply posting on community.box.com

    Thanks for posting! 

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