Mac M1 Max Sonoma 14.6.1 Box Drive (Version 2.40.344) Internal Process Crash. Log Files Sent

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    To fix this issue, please uninstall your Box Drive application: 

    macOS 11+:

    1. Quit Box Drive if it is running.
    2. Download and open the Box Reset Tool zip file.
    3. Open the Box Reset Tool from the Downloads folder.
    4. Select Uninstall and then Continue when prompted to confirm the uninstallation.
    5. Enter your credentials to continue with the uninstalling Box if prompted. 
    6. Select OK to close out the tool. 

    Note: The Box Reset Tool will write logs of actions performed to your Desktop folder under “Box-ResetTool-logs_(<current day>)”.

    For earlier macOS versions or if there are any issues with the above process, follow these alternative steps to reset Box Drive.

    1. Quit Box Drive
    2. Open a Terminal window and run the appropriate command based on your macOS version and Box Drive version:
      macOS 11.x  and macOS 14.x with any version of Box Drive
      fileproviderctl domain remove -A; defaults delete; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Box/Box


    This command will:

    • Archive all files that are not synced (not uploaded to Box) from ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box and move it to a new folder at:
      • ~/Box-Box (Archive) (macOS 11.x)


        If you already have a "~/Box-Box (Archive)" folder from a previous manual reset, the folder will be named "~/Box-Box (Archive) 2", or if that name is already taken, "~/Box-Box (Archive) 3", and so on.

      • ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box (<current day and time>) (macOS 12.x and newer)
    • Exclude from the above archive files that are “up-to-date” or synced on Box
    • Re-create the parent hierarchy of the archived files

                3. While still in the Terminal window, now run the uninstaller script:

    • Type the following and press Enter:
      /Library/Application\ Support/Box/uninstall_box_drive

    You do not see your password as you enter it. Just press ENTER when you have finished typing it in.

    Once you've completed it, please reinstall Box Drive

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Box User

    Rona, Im very grateful for your kind attention - it's a godsend!

    Ive used the Box Reset Tool without issue:

    • 'Box Drive was successfully uninstalled.Files that were not uploaded to Box have been preserved. Access preserved files at this location:~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box (<current day and time>)' . I did check this location and it seems to hold the whole Box Drive backup. I'm assuming this is expected, and I can leave this as is
    • and then reinstalled Box Drive, which then successfully updated itself to Version 2.40.345

    Is there anything else I need to do, or can I assume all is good with the synced data now.

    One other question if I may, is there an underlying reason for the internal process crash from the logs. I had noticed one or two Mac apps had crashed (Music, and Notes). I'm thinking of doing a clean install of the Operating System and wiping the drive.

    Thanks Again for Your Kind Attention!






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