Items from my Trash were not restored - HELP!

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  • Ann

    Hi Mary, 

    Welcome to Box Community!

    Given the large size of the folder, it is likely that the deletion process is still ongoing when you attempt to restore it from the trash, which may be the cause of the errors encountered. Can you check your online account's trash now and see if you will now be able to restore all? 

    To sort and filter all items within the trash folder:

    You can filter content by items you own, or by items you’ve deleted.  To do this, directly beneath the folder label (Trash), click the Items I Own (or Items I Deleted) down arrow.  Then click the option you want.

    The steps below apply whether you’re selecting from search results or from all Trash items.

    1. Hover to highlight the row of the item you want. The More Options ellipsis () displays.
    2. Click the ellipsis (...).  Then: 
      • To return the item to its original location in Box, click Restore.
      • To delete the item permanently, click Delete.
    1. At the prompt, click Okay.

    Hope this helps. Thank you for posting!

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