Problem in extracting access token after receiving authorization code

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  • Arunava

    Well, I got it. I included the parameters in the post portion of the http call.

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  • Box Product Support

    How did yo uget this working? I have tried including the parameters both in the body, and also as query parameters. I have tried json encoding the body, etc, nothing works i get the same error for invalid request complaing about the missing or invalid grant type?


    does the grant type need to be a query param and the other stuff need to be in the body?

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  • kevincassidyds

    Did you ever get a solution to this? I have an app that was working but now is returning the 

    "Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing" error. 
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  • mlandgraf

     Same problem here - my code has been working fine for several years now and now all of the sudden I am receiving that error.

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  • kevincassidyds

    I've had a ticket open with Box support for a week now and they're refusing to admit that there is an issue. You're the 4th person I've found on the Box community who is reporting the same issue. 😞 

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  • mlandgraf

     glad to hear I'm not alone. My company has not made any changes in regards to Box, so the problem must be somewhere on Box's end. Support is very slow, which is causing major delays for people in my company.

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