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Box Java SDK Connection Problem SSLHandshakeException SunCertPathBuilderException

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  • kendomen

    you need this:



    and put the files in jre/lib/security

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  • lguo

    I updated policy files US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar in the \jre\lib\security and got the same error as before. Also if I remove the 2 policy files and it gives me java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot locate policy or framework files! So there is issue beyond that, but thanks for the quick help.

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  • kendomen

    do you have to use a -DhttpProxyPort to the java args?

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  • lguo

    No. I do not use -DhttpProxyPort to the java args.

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  • lguo

    Finally, the company product supporter points me the right direction. There is a piece of security software called "Netskope Client" and it blocks the connection. It will produce these security/certification errors when it is enabled and in conjunction with the company network since the same code always works with my home network. If it is disabled, it works fine within company network and no more errors.

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  • Box Product Support

    While I'm facing the same issue, but I have to use a proxy.

    Is there any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

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  • usmanelastica

    This is not working, 


    you need this:



    and put the files in jre/lib/security


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