
1 comment

  • LoCortes

    Hello ,

    to be able to access to documentation that belongs to different users is not enough with activating scopes on the APP from the development console. If you want to have access to ALL documentation on your enterprise platform you have to request BOX to enable specific.


    I opened a ticket sometime ago related to another issue with metadata and part of the answer I received was: "We normally don't have this scope turned on for API keys because the scope is extremely powerful. The scope is known as "GCM" at Box (meaning global content manager). So, if you want your admins to be able to search all users' content within your enterprise, we can turn it on for you. Without that scope, access tokens from admins and automated users will be only able to search for content that belongs to his/her specific account."


    So, you need to have enabled the GCM scope to be able to do what you want.




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