How to create a group for app users?

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  • liyuan0411

    Correct my problem:

        I have an application and Create 25 APP users by the application token. Now I need create a group for 25 app users. But It seems the application cannot create the groups for the app users.

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  • Murtza

     I tested adding App Users to a group, and it worked as expected. Below are the steps and cURL commands I used. 


    1. Create a new group using the Create Group endpoint.


    curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    -d '{"name": "App Users Test Group"}' \
    -X POST 


    2. Add App User to a group using the Create Membership endpoint


    curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    -d '{ "user": { "id": "APP_USER_ID"}, "group": { "id": "GROUP_ID" } }' \
    -X POST


    3. Get group members using the Get Membership for Group endpoint.

    curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"


    Can you please share the error message the API returns when you try to add App Users to a group? Can you also please confirm if you have enabled the Manage Groups application scope?

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