Box Drive vs Box Sync

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  • clange

    I'm an enterprise user too. I like Box; works well, easy to use. But it's hard for me to plan if I don't know what's going on with Sync and Drive. Is Sync going to be retired? If so, when? What's the status of Drive? Is Box listening to us, and working to fix its flaws? I have users pulling toward SharePoint now. It would be impossible to get them to use Drive as it stands now.

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  • renate.zapletal

    3 years after the first question still no news on Box Drive and mark offline? Company uses an email format that is incompatible with Box but I can use with Box Sync. Box Drive won't allow me so I'm not moving to Box Drive until Box sync is well and truly dead. 

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  • bfotk

    I'm a personal rather than enterprise Box user.  I fear the day that Box Sync may drop dead...okay, be killed off.  I'm finding it more and more useful and flexible than I realized, by the way.  I now have files on that I want there for sharing, but don't care to have in the Box Sync folder on my local computer through the simple process of indicating NOT to sync them.  That's something I had not noted.


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  • clange

    @box tech support: Can you give an update? When is Box Sync getting phased out? And what's the status of Box Drive's issues?

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  • jiporter

    Box Sync is incredibly flexible in ways that far surpass Box Drive. I hope that Sync will be upgraded for M1 capability (Mac) in addition to Drive (beta just announced). Continued support corresponding to the large demand for Sync is needed. Otherwise, Sync WILL die a slow death, willy nilly. 

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  • bfotk

    @jiporter  Total agreement here.

    My ongoing question is how the Box bosses interpret the word "deprecate."  Merriam-Webster's definition 3 cites the use of the word for software.  "to withdraw official support for or discourage the use of (something, such as a software product) in favor of a newer or better alternative."  To which I say "so what?"  Is Box going to forcibly remove BoxSync from my Windows 10 computer?

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  • jiporter

    Deprecation in this context means no updates for new requirements in your system software, no guarantees that the app will work on your machine and a guarantee that at some point it no longer will. You use it at your own risk. Alas.

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  • bfotk

    So far, no problem and Box has been about to deprecate for how many years now?  3, 4, 5, more?  There are a lot of things I do at my own risk.  Driving a car tops the list.  Alas, indeed.


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  • clange

    Does anyone have an update on the future of Box Sync? Or improvements to Box Drive? I was just running through training on Box Drive and I still really don't like it. I keep thinking I'm missing something...

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