
1 comment

  • abbaslotia

    I resolved this by going back to "Box.V2.Core": "2.14.1".


    Additional Details:

    • I validated that it's only with the latest version of the Box.V2.Core (as of this writing it's 2.14.2) that my AWS Lambda will abruptly stop with message: "Process exited before completing request". Versions all the way back to 2.12.0 work fine.
    • Something in v2.14.2 doesn't play nice in Lambda, but it will work fine running from a Console App on a win10-x64 runtime, .NET Core 1.0.
    • I haven't checked if it's just the Box SDK that won't run on a Lambda, or if the Box SDK is conflicting with another dependency in my project to cause the Lambda to croak. If someone needs this info, I can oblige.
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