
1 comment

  • jcleblanc

    Hi rkorczykowski,


    We're currently working on some revised documentation pages for scopes that should help with your question. I don't have anything live, but let me post a screenshot of the scopes from the app config screen to their manual scopes, and a description of each.



    The content is still very rough, but should give you an idea of what everything does. We're still expanding and adjustment those docs. Just a few notes, based on your question:

    • The manage_enterprise scope was part of the old app flow, and was an umbrella scope that encapsulated a few of the current scopes (I believe it was manage_users, manage_groups, and manage_enterprise_properties).
    • To delete an existing collaboration, "Read and write all files and folders stored in Box" should be the right scope option for you.

    Hope that helps,


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