Java box SDK Connection Problem

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  • mwiller

    The error message says that it's an IOException caused by an UnkownHostException  for — the docs for that exception indicate that it's thrown when the IP address cannot be resolved for a host.  Are you able to reach when making requests manually through a tool like curl or Postman?  Is there a chance you're behind a firewall that blocks access to the API?

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  • ajitpandit88

    Dear All,


    I am able to connect Box APIs using PostMan by dev token generated through portal. However, when I try to do the same thing using Box Java SDK, I am getting UnknownHostException for and


    Since I am able to get response with PostMan, so this certainly is not a network or firewall issue. Only when I am trying to run my java code from eclipse I am facing this issue. Below is the code excerpt which uses SDK - 


    BoxAPIConnection api = new BoxAPIConnection("CClWUDaNOriFxEljGYGn5hmAwfpwQEUf");

    BoxUser.Info userInfo = BoxUser.getCurrentUser(api).getInfo();
    BoxFolder rootFolder = BoxFolder.getRootFolder(api);
    rootFolder.getMetadata(); ==> HERE I AM GETTING ERROR UnknownHostException


    I also tried to use apache HttpClient with HttpPost by pasting the API and passing token in header. But at that time I get 403 error with reason as access_denied_insufficient_permissions.


    Please help in figuring out the issue.


    Thanks in Advance.

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