Sharing existing files and folders with an App

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  • cary

    Hey , 


    The most straightforward way to find the email of your automation user in the web UI is through the admin console. If you have access to the admin console you can go into the "Content Manager" tab as shown below


    Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 6.15.11 PM.png


    Once you're in the content manager tab you can view and search all your uses including app users and automation users with their associated emails. 

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  • LoCortes

    Good afternoon ,


    you can also run the "User activity" report filtering by "Created new user" option.


    On the report exported you will find Automation and App users.



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  • matt_roth

    Thanks for your reply. My UI looks a little different from yours, but I can see a list of users in the content manager. My problem is that I still can't see the User's full email anywhere (See Below). Is there anywhere I can copy and paste the user's email info?





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  • matt_roth

    Thanks for your reply! I can run the report, and when I hover over the affected user I can see the user email, but this is fairly long and I cant see a way to just copy it out (Which we would like to do since the collaborate dialog doesn't autocomplete).


    Is there any report that just shows all users with their email in a way that I could copy and paste?



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  • LoCortes

    Hello ,

    instead of running it using the RUN button use the EXPORT one 🙂 It will generate a CSV instead of showing it on screen. Then you will be able to filter and copy as you please without restrictions 😉


    Best regards

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  • matt_roth

    Thanks, that works for me!

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  • LoCortes

    Good! 🙂 glad it helped you

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    I don't have access to admin console. How can I share folder with my custom Box App? I tried sharing folder with "***email address removed for privacy***", but getting error from Box. 

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      Please see message above and let me hear your suggestions. Thanks in advance!

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  • LoCortes

    Hello Batulzii,

    I think you should open a new thread as this discussion is already solved 🙂


    That said, to share a folder with a custom APP is as simple as inviting some application user or automation user as a collaborator. But, the APP has to be authorized in the admin console. Somebody will have to do that.



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  • sfcrmguy

    Did anyone ever answer this?   I need the answer as well

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  • Evstafiy Petrov

    A bit late, but I hope it would be helpful:

    1) Go to Admin console and do next action:

    2) After that got to account setting(top right corner of screen) of app account:

    3) You can find on this page next section with service user email:

    P.S. I'm just crying, Why it's so "obvious"? Why??? Why we don't have this info on app config page?

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  • Stefanny Fracica

    Hi everyone 


    i have a big problem I don't have a admin console 
    that is what I see, I don't have the option

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