Life cycle of applications under box enterprise.

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  • Kourtney


    Thanks so much for using the platform and development forum! 


    To answer your questions: 


    "In particular, if an enterprise user creates an application after they leave does their application ownership transfer to the enterprise admin, or is it just deleted?" 

    The ownership is not automatically transferred to an enterprise admin and the application ownership is essentially "orphaned" if there aren't any collaborators on the application. If there are other collaborators on the application, then they will still be able to access the application via the developer console. 


    "Also does an enterprise admin automatically get visibility into applications created by users in the organization, or do they need to be explicitly added as collaborators?" 

    No, primary admins do not automatically get visibility into applications created by their users. The application developer will need to add the primary admin email address as an application collaborator. 




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