Box Integration With Salesforce using Single Sign On

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  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    Depending on the application type and SDK you use, there are a few options available to you. I'm assuming that you've been looking at the Salesforce SDK as your primary target, so let me address some of these questions for that implementation. Please let me know if there is another implementation that you're looking at, specifically a OAuth 2 / JWT app implementation.


    The Salesforce SDK uses our standard OAuth 2 flow, which means that a user will log in via their Box account, grant the application permission to access their account features, then an access token will be created that gives the Salesforce SDK access to make API calls to Box. To answer some of your questions:

    1. The Salesforce SDK will automatically refresh the access token it needs, meaning that you don't need to re-authenticate the user. More info here.
    2. In this SDK instance, with the OAuth 2 flow, there will be a 1:1 mapping between the app and a Box user. This means that the user will need to have a Box account to log in. Beyond that, a shared folder instance would need to be maintained outside the Box SDK.
    3. You can use the edit collaboration method of the SDK for this. More info here.

    Hope that helps,


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