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1 comment

  • braden

    Hi  !


    Thanks for coming to the Box Community to post your question! We'd be happy to take a look at this for you, but we'll need to get some data about the calls you're making and examples of the responses you're getting first. For this, it would be best if we could communicate through a support ticket, where we'll be able to get that data and troubleshoot with you. Please raise a support ticket for this issue from, include the information you used to create this post, and if you have this information available, it would be great if we could get the API keys you're using, the response you're seeing from Box, and a timestamp from the most recent reproduction attempts; this will go a long way toward helping us to troubleshoot your issue faster. 


    Thanks for coming to the Box Community, and we'll be looking forward to discussing this with you further in a support ticket!





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