API call to delete files?

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  • Kourtney

    Hello , 


    Great question! The CLI would definitely be a great tool to use here. 


    Here's the command you would run: 


    box files:delete FILEIDHERE


    This does support using a bulk CSV and if you wanted to do that you'd create a .csv file with one column named ID. This would contain each file ID you wanted to delete. The command to run that would become: 


    box files:delete --bulk-file-path=BULKFILEPATHHERE



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  • avctor

    You rock. Thank you for the quick reply. I'll look into and respond with my results. 


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  • avctor

    Is there a way to introduce a wildcard? Deleting by file ID will work however we have several users that can changed the name and I believe that changes the file ID. 


    Would a script be a better choice for this rather than CLI?

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