Collaborator invitation "accepted" email

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  • France

    Hi Hank, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    This is expected when the user chose to enable "auto-accept invitations" in their Box account settings:


    Thanks for your question and let us know how else we can help!

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  • Hank Vare

    Hi France, thanks for the fast response.

    Is there a global enterprise setting that can be turned off for all users, or is this something that must be unchecked by each user individually?

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  • France

    Hi Hank, 

    At present, there is no global setting to allow the admins in enabling/ disabling this feature in the Admin Console.

    Users will need to go to their Account Settings page to manually disable/enable this option. 

    If this is something you would like to be able to do as an admin, I would highly recommend submitting this as a feature request at!
    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
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  • Hank Vare

    Thanks for the follow-up. Yes I would think this should be controllable by an enterprise setting. If only controlled by the individual user account settings, it seems logical the default be unchecked rather than checked.

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  • Hi, I invited a client to register. Why am I getting an automatic notification that the client accepted the invitation immediately?

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  • Hank Vare

    Hi Wilfred,

    As France mentioned above, this is a user account setting that is on by default. 


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