"Unable to Open" and "Unable to Save" errors with Box Drive

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  • Rona

    Hi Brandy,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    We'd like to obtain the following while we investigate: 

    • Could you attach a screenshot of your Box Drive error(s)?
    • Your Operating System. 
    • Current Box version.

    We'd love to further assist! 


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  • Brandy Yetzer

    Hi Rona,

    I don't know what was happening that day, but it was my entire team, so everyone associated with the Trinity Business Partners files, was having issues. We could access everything just fine online, but not through Box Drive.

    Somehow or other, it finally resolved itself, and I can no longer provide a screenshot.

    I appreciate your getting back to me about this, though, and should it happen again, I will be sure to capture the errors.

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