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Uploading files

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1 comment

  • France

    Hi Debi, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I'm sorry to hear about the issue in uploading new Files, when the Upload/ New button is grayed out that, this usually means that you do not have the permission to upload/ create you contents on the account or in the Folder you joined.

    If your Box is managed by an admin, its possible that they may have enabled restriction that is affecting your ability to upload/ create contents within your account such as 

    • Restrict content creation : Prevents all non-admin managed users from creating, deleting, and moving folders in their "All Files" section. With this enabled, your admin would have to created folders for you so that you can upload/ create contents for your account.

    You can find more about this restriction in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044194913-Content-and-sharing-settings-for-your-enterprise 

    Hope that helps!


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