

  • France

    Hi Mark, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    As of October 25, 2019, Box has ended the WebDAV support, you can find this announcement in this article: More information on WebDAV with Box.

    Box Drive or the Box WebApp ( may be suitable alternatives based on the use case.

    Thanks for your participation and let us know how else we can help!


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  • This is not suitable. We need Linux support.

    Why was support ended?

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  • Douglas White

    This really stinks in many ways. I often float around to different "community" of clients computers. Downloading and installing BoxDrive on clients computers is not an option. Box WebApp is cumbersome at best. Mapping as a network Drive was simple an very effective.

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  • Kansas SBDC

    I have a client whos mapped drive failed and I cannot get it remapped. The other users are still using it just fine. I guess once you lose that mapping you are screwed. I have spent all day on this issue and found no solution.

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