Can folders be owned by an ID instead of an individual? If yes, how?

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    It looks like your questions are more about strategies and best practices and best people who can help you out would be from Customer Success Manager or CSM team for consultative advice

    I would highly suggest that you connect with your assigned Customer Success Manager (CSM) who will be able to help provide you with more information on how to achieve your desired outcome here

    Thanks for your participation in the forum!

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  • David Jones

    Hello France:
    Thank you for your feedback. Certainly an interesting interpretation, and I see that strategy could apply; although, the action of a folder owner leaving an organization and the issues that leaves behind would seem like something Box would have/should addressed by now.

    As to your direction to discuss this with our Customer Success Manager or team, this isn't a term I'm familiar with or know where/how to contact this person/team in my company. Any suggestions for finding them?

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    When a managed user leaves an organization, typically, Box admins would perform what we call "Delete and transfer".

    If the employee owned contents especially if they are shared to others, to make sure they are preserved, Admin would have to transfer the ownership of that content to themselves or to another user. The process is explained here: 

    But if you would like further discussion on how to manage your organization's contents without having to perform the above processes, this might a good discussion to have with your organization's CSM. You may contact your Box Admin to know who your assigned CSM is or your internal helpdesk.


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