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Cannot Verify New Email Address

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  • France

    Hi Deborah, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I'm sorry to hear about the issue in changing your email address. To confirm, did you follow the steps shared in this article on how to change the email address of your Box?: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196513-Manage-Account-Settings 

    To change the email address on your Box:

    1. Go to the user's profile (Initials)
    2. Click Account Settings
    2. Under Account Settings tab, go to Add a Collaborator or Link Personal Email
    3. Click Link Personal Email.*
    4. Then, to add an email address:

    • Click Link Personal Email.
    • Enter your new email address (remember the email must not be associated to a Box account) and click the Save button.
    • An email verification will be sent to the address you entered. Click the verification link in the email to confirm and enter your current password to add the secondary email to you account.
    • Once your secondary email is linked and verified, you will have the option to "Make it Primary". To make a secondary address your primary address, just click Make Primary button, and you will be asked to enter your password.
    • Hit "Save" and that's it.
    • If you want to remove the previous email, simply click the "Remove" button.

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions and we'll do our best to help you.


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  • Deborah Daniels

     I went back and tried it again tonight and it worked perfectly-thank you for your assistance.

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  • tech guy@some company

    I cannot for the life of me get Box.com support to verify my new email. I get the verification email and then I get the grey-scree-of-death that says it can't connect. I try to open a ticket but cannot. Why? Because I need to verify the email. But I cannot verify the email. So I can't get any support. Seriously? I pay $2400 a year for my business but that is going to stop come the new-year. What do you say Box? Can you help me change my mind? 

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  • tech guy@some company

    "Here read these 200 articles that have nothing to do with your problem." 

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