can I use excel's external-link with Box?

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Have you checked out this support article on Configuring the Default Box Drive Folder Location?
    This article discusses resolving issues around file-to-file linking via absolute paths as seen in many popular apps such as Excel, Word, InDesign, and so on. Relative file path links should work regardless of the Box Drive folder location. 
    This may be relevant to your problem with the next steps!
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  • laj aaa

    Hi France,

    Thank you for the information, but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem.

    For security reasons, our company  can't change settings of default folder location

    Furthermore both BoxDrive and WebBox(browserBox) require continuous use....I hope we could use only BoxDrive and restrict using WebBox...

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