
1 comment

  • France

    Hi Fabiana, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    If a previously employee own folders/ files that you and others collaborators are part of, I suggest reaching out to your Box admin to check the status of the user's Box.

    Usually, the initial step Admin takes if an employee left the company, the organization would set the account to "inactive"- when an account is set on this status, the user will not be able to login and his/her contents will be inaccessible to others as well thus collaborators are no longer able to see those shared contents. Its best to let your Box admin know that the user own contents you and others need continued access to so they can take action such as transfer the ownership of the folder to someone else.

    If the account has already been deleted with the user's contents, your Admin would need to submit a request to Box Product Support team to restore the account and see if they can still recover the content.

    More information can be found in this article: 

    Hope this information helps!

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