Please put me at ease before I upgrade / subscribe to a Business Plan.

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  • dino nguyen

    Just to let you know that I am interested in the Business Plan. But I don't want to pay for the extra 2 users as I would like to pay only for myself. When I checked the monthly plan, I couldn't go any lower than 3. Possibility for a single-user Business Plan?

    Thank you!

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  • France

    Hi Dino,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    We certainly offer one of the most competitive prices in the market. Box Business plan's minimum requirement for the number of seats to sign up is at least 3 seats and there is no option to change this at present, but if you are looking for a plan for a single user plan, we do have Personal Pro plan.

    For more details of the different subscription plans Box offers, please take a look at this page or you may also contact out sales team and fill up this form

    Thanks for your interest in Box and let us know how else we can help!





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