please allow user-defined keyboard shortcut to search Box

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  • France

    Hi Michael, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    The feature you are inquiring is currently not supported with Box Reporting. I appreciate your feedback and would highly recommend that you send this directly to our Product Team through Box Pulse for possible consideration and implementation in the future. 
    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
    Thanks for your post and let us know how else we can help you!
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  • Anton Riehl

    I'm also looking to turn off this key command as it conflicts with my work. Any updates on when we can configure this? 

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  • Flint

    I've decided to stop using Box until this key command is fixed by allowing users to set their own command choice.  

    One year has passed, nothing has been done and there are hundreds of other suggestions waiting in line at "Box Pulse".

    The above moderator knows there is little hope and instead of forwarding this request internally, asks users to forward it yourself.  Same BS that Apple uses.

    Well… bye.

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  • Luna Kassatya

    This is really unfortunate that after so much time there is no action whatsoever.  This conflicts in a major way with my setup that I have been using for quite a long time.  well...bye as well

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