External User - Notifications control

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  • France

    Hi Don, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I've actually answered a similar question in another thread here.

    Unfortunately, this is something that you cannot set-up for your collaborators. Each individuals need to adjust their email notifications on folders they joined to receive notification on certain actions they wish to be notified of.

    Different users collaborating in a folder can set their own specific folder-level email notifications and will see these options:

    • Use my default notification settings - If this option is enabled, you receive notifications according to your notification preferences in your Account Settings.
    • Override default settings for this folder and all subfolders - If this option is enabled, you can set custom notification preferences. To receive more or fewer notifications than usual for this folder and any subfolders, click check boxes under Notify me when someone.

    More details can be found in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696014-Understanding-Box-Folder-Settings 

    Thanks for your post and let us know how else we can help!


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  • Don Schroeder

    Hi France ,

     I should have posted this question here early this morning instead of going through your chat session with Box support who - if they could have told me this early  today I wouldn't be here at 10pm trying to figure this out still. I DO understand the behavior of letting the external user control their notification settings if they are another department in your company, but if you don't want them to mess up the settings and call you (account owner since you can't call Box) I guess this software is not meant for a CPA firm who has to control their user accounts to deliver notifications, and rely on those notifications being consistently delivered. Box.com does not consistently deliver notifications even to me the WHOLE ACCOUNT OWNER/ADMIN I should get Notifications of whatever type the system can give, and Box.com does Not consistently give notifications of activity in the folders for which I am an Admin in this account. Very Sad. my advice to you if you are reading this (if Box doesn't block it) and you need notifications to work - try Citrix Sharefile...

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  • France

    Hi Don, 

    Thanks for reaching back to us.

    We appreciate you sharing your use case here on how setting up notification for your collaborators would be important.

    I would highly recommend that you send this directly to our Product Team through Box Pulse for possible consideration and implementation in the future. 
    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
    Thanks for your post and let us know how else we can help you.


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  • Kathe Hendricks

    I set up a Box for a client to upload documents.  He showed me a screen shot where he uploaded documents but they do not show on my side.  Box Sync is on.  Where are his documents?

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