SCREENSHOTS INCLUDED - macOS Monterey Upgrade & Box Drive Problems

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  • Darryl Mayeaux

    I experienced the same issues described here. The solution posted by Abby Larson seems to have solved the issues for me.

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  • Gerard Bosveld

    I am facing the same issues as above.   Biggest impact is due to updates and new files on my Mac not being synced back to box on-line.

    This means that solving it by a re-install wil not work as I will loose all local updates.

    Taking a shadow copy of the local files also doesn't work as I cannot copy any folders with enclosed files as they have not been synced completely from the server to my local box drive.

    Searching for missing updates behind is impossible across thousands of files and folders.


    Any (!) ideas ???

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  • Is this fixed? Can I update? I didn't find out until I started backing up my camera. I don't know what state I can believe! 

    Basically, upgrading to Monteray messed all of this up. Box, you need to get on this!

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  • Nick Franklin

    Not seeing CPU spikes with Box Sync on Monterey (MacBook Pro M1 32GB RAM) but seeing significant energy use. Tops the chart as highest entry user in the last 12 hours. Unplugged MacBook from the Office at 5pm last night, came to use this morning and battery down to 5% and MacBook was warm to touch so obviously been very busy doing something. MacBook Pro M1 only 1 week old.

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  • Shawn Corley

    I never can understand why there isn't an official response from BOX SUPPORT to these issues when there are so many people with the same issue???? Just communicate with us!

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  • Walt Bower

    We are seeing this happen too and it is adversely impacting the productivity of our staff. This is only happening on clients that have upgraded to MacOS Monterey and we have not had any luck resolving this.

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  • Shawn Corley

    I highly recommend taking to Twitter with these issues at @box and @boxsupport to get them to respond faster. It tends to light a fire under their you know whats when it's public. This is ridiculous.

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  • Tim Hartford

    I'm having these issues as well. Posted a support ticket last night and received the following response:

    "My apologies for your current Box Drive issue. Our Engineering team are aware of the current issue with Box Drive after upgrading to MacOS Monterey and are now working closely to fix this issue as soon as possible. "

    So it's still ongoing unfortunately.

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  • PLAN Box Admin

    We are having these issues with many others and box support just asks the same questions over and over with no real solutions. box drive and Monterey just don't work together. 

    for us all the issues above and it wont show all the files in drive, it will randomly crash, it wont upload, and it freezes up. This is happening on Imac/macbook pros

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  • Łukasz Środula

    System preferences / protection and privacy / availability / click on the padlock to make changes / "+" / change applications / change BOX / click on the padlock. Ready.

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