SCREENSHOTS INCLUDED - macOS Monterey Upgrade & Box Drive Problems

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  • Official comment

    Hi All, 

    Thanks for posting in the Community and I'm really sorry to hear about the issues you encountered with Box Drive.

    This would be something our Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information/ configuration.

    Kindly submit a support ticket here and one of our support teammates will reach out to you to investigate and help troubleshoot this issue.

    Looking forward to working with you in resolving this issue!


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  • Tarryn Scrooby

    I am getting the same issues with the exception of the first one.


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  • Seviant

    Something else is up. I have Box Drive:

    1. Box Drive is completely closed.
    2. Redundantly Reinstalled Box Drive to Overwrite application files and fill in any missing/fragmented pieces.
    3. Disabled ALL login preferences
    4. Disabled ALL launchdaemons
    5. Restarted

    Box Drive did not start up BUT the Box Drive Folder is still mounted in macOS Finders Sidebar and has the Eject icon missing. ↓

    Am I missing something here?

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  • Randy Roberts

    I'm having the same issues after updating to Monterey.

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  • Kara Hoffman

    I've experienced some of the same issues here.  I just made a post about "make available online/offliine" icons not responding correctly.  Everything seems to be indexing, as there's a huge delay before I'm allowed to see files.  I've uninstalled, reinstalled, tried permissions, etc and no dice.   I'm eager for a resolution.  Not sure why I got downvoted, I'm having some of these same issues

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  • Wael El-Rifai

    same issues. over-usage of CPU. I had all my files available offline before this upgrade. Now, they are lost. It is re-downloading them, but this is not going well. It stops downloading and keeps using the CPU. So frustrating, the laptop gets overheated with nothing downloaded.

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  • Eva Chen

    After upgrading to Monterey, Box Drive has been using extremely HIGH CPU almost all day. Fans never stop.

    Bad user experience and cannot do anything while needing files on Box (where our organization has everything on Box).

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  • Seviant

    Box Support needs LOG FILES to better understand and correct the issue. I'm unable to submit logs, can someone please jump in and send them their logs?

    Can someone with this same problem offer to send their logs to Box Support?

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  • Zhang, Zhaohan

    I have the same problem.

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  • Zhang, Zhaohan

    I solved this problem by giving Box full disk access in the system perference->security&privacy

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  • Suzy Pekar

    Zhang, Zhaohan, I gave Box full drive access and no luck.. I sent Box a support ticket Saturday and it's Wednesday now with no solution. I resorted to downgrading my laptop back to Mojave so that I could work. How could Box not have an updated version ready for the new Mac OS update?.... 

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  • Neil Parrish

    I'm having similar issues, can't get on Box Drive at all. I sent a ticket with my logs and the reply was it is an issue they are aware of and to wait for an update which should correct the problem. Not much help at the moment as I'm having to access Box through a browser which means all the links are broken in InDesign and Illustrator files.

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  • Daniel Laubitz

    Is the Box Tech Support doing anything to help? I'm having the same problems, submitted a ticket and no response, support or solution.  

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  • Wael El-Rifai

    It has been a week .. no update. I sent 330 MB of logs .. No response or real help. working on it !!

    I used a third party sync software and downloaded/backed up my online 500 GB BOX to an external drive and logged out/deleted of box from my laptop. It does NOT work. Now, I can work !!

    The reality: it is not just BOX to blame, it is APPLE that made the new integration of BOX in their new IOS

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  • Seviant

    I just received an Update Notification for Box Drive to 2.24.198 on macOS Big Sur.

    This Box Drive Product Announcement from Oct. 7th only lists v2.24 and no additional build details so I can't tell if this update is rolling out for everyone, or I just needed to update to the latest version.

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  • Randy Roberts

    Don't do it! That's the version that's broken.

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  • Camilo Bastidas

    I'm having the same issue, I already gave full disk access to Box and nothing.

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  • Ethan Bass

    It's working better for me after updating to version 2.24.198. I had to give full disk access to box, then restart my computer and give full access to the box Autoupdater. Then it was able to update to the new version. There are still some bugs (for example, many folders aren't changing from the orange arrows to the green checkmark when they are fully synced), but it appears to be more or less functional so far after upgrading to the latest version. I am on an M1 Mac with Monterey.

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  • Viper_3

    I noticed I can now drag folders or files from Box Drive app to my desktop, and it automatically deletes them off of the box cloud drive. It no longer is acting like a mounted drive/server, normally it would make a duplicate copy of that file onto my desktop. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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  • Ethan Bass

    I hadn't noticed this issue mentioned by Viper_3, but I am seeing this as well.


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  • Seviant

    After hearing that  1.Updating →  2.Uninstalling →  3.Restarting →  4.Reinstalling Box Drive was being posted by a few users as being 👀 successful, I just gave it a go and (Screenshots included below) ...

    1. macOS CPU Usage at nearly 100% has been 👍🏻 solved. CPU usage is consistent with pre-Monterey versions.
    2. Box Drive macOS Finder Issue #1 - Box Drive does not completely download all Folders, Subfolders, or Folder Content when setting to "Make Available Online," and incorrectly stops the syncing/downloading process thinking that it has. The ONLY way to get all the folders content downloaded is to manually navigate to each and every Folder+Subfolder to load the Folders contents and this still doesn't completely ensure a File is downloaded for Offline use.
    3. Box Drive macOS Finder Issue #2 - Box Drive File and Folder Status Badges in macOS Finder INCORRECTLY display items status. Items marked as Downloaded and "Made Available Offline" are actually not available offline when examined further. This makes it NOT POSSIBLE to visually determine if the Data within a Folder or the contents of a File have truly been downloaded to local macOS Disk.


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  • Seviant


    I just tried to correct the issues by manually selecting the Download from Cloud Badge on Folders experiencing issues syncing offline and received 1000's of the following error notifications.

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  • Abby Larson

    My coworker and I are having all of the exact same issues since the Monterey update. 

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  • Chris Gorman

    I think I have a fix.  Uninstall using the Terminal command discussed in the attached  If you try to uninstall any other way its missing something and stays broken.  Once uninstalled, restart computer and download and install box drive again.  Seems to have solved the issue.


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  • Trushang Shah

    What Chris suggested seems to be working for me as well. Thanks . Uninstall using Terminal -> Restart -> Install Box 


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  • Abby Larson

    Ok Box seems to be working correctly for me too now! Here's what I did:

    1. Uninstall Box Drive with Terminal - instructions from the link that Chris shared (

    2. Restart computer

    3. Reinstall box drive

    4. Log in to Box Drive -- at this point it wasn't syncing ANYTHING, I double checked that full disk access permissions were on (they were)

    5. Log out of Box Drive

    6. Again, Log in to Box Drive. At this point, everything began syncing quickly again and there is no longer any significant CPU usage by Box. My computer fan has chilled out too!


    ** I am still seeing the iCloud download icons alongside the Box Drive download icons (the cloud icons that indicate an item is stored in the cloud and occasionally the box drive icons next to them when the file has been accessed recently) It doesn't really bother me, except that I recall only seeing the Box icons before the update, not the iCloud icons too. 

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  • Zhang, Zhaohan

    Abby's method works for accessing the Box from finder. Does anyone use the terminal to access the files on Box like me? It used to be the /Users/username/Box path. But now I couldn't locate it anymore.

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  • Josh C. Kline

    I've tried everything on this thread but it's clear that there are some major issues with this release. It's a significant change from the prior version and probably shouldn't have been released before much more QA testing and refinement. I probably have to start moving over to G Drive if this doesn't get sorted pretty quickly.

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  • Lionel Mace

    Zhang, Zhaohan The new Box path is ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box

    Thank you Abby Larson. The 5 steps you gave worked for me :-)

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  • Zhang, Zhaohan

    Got it! Thanks Lionel.

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