Searching for users from the admin console is not working

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  • Official comment

    Hi Everyone, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and we appreciate you raising this issue to us!

    We've received similar reports about the search user feature in the Admin console and our engineering team has remediated and confirmed that this issue should now be resolved.

    You can find more information on this incident on our Status page here.

    Thanks everyone for your participation and if you are still having issues, please submit a support ticket on this page for further assistance from the Support team.

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  • Martins, Thomas (US)

    I'm having the same issue.

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  • MSK Box Admin

    Same here as well.  Anyone find a resolution yet?

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  • Brian Trudell

    Same issue here. Tried both Firefox and Chrome on two different machines.

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  • Lin, David

    Appears it's working again, everyone else able to use it now?

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  • Brian Trudell

    Yes, it's working for me now, too.

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