Linking files already uploaded to Box

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To clarify, are you trying to merge 2 files in a folder?

    Would you mind further explaining your goal and/ share screenshots of the issue you encounter so we can understand your workflow and how we can help?

    Looking forward to hear from you again!

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  • David Rusch

    The situation is that I have sent a picture named, say, "Shop 2.jpg" to someone via a Box file link.  Now I want to email that same picture to another person in a different email also using a Box file link.  In doing so I get an error:  "Unable to upload Shop 2.jpg to Box".  This is because Shop2.jpg is already uploaded to the Thunderbird folder in Box.

    It seems I must either delete the file in the Box folder so I can upload it for the new email (in which case it will presumably no longer be available to the previous recipient) or I must copy the URL of the file from the previous email and paste it into the 2nd email in order for the 2nd recipient to get the same file link.

    Is there another solution?


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  • Guy Przytula

    any comment on this, because i have the same issue


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