

  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Do you encounter any error message when you access a Shared link sent to you? Do you mind providing more information or even share a screenshot? 

    This will help out other members of the community better understand your workflow and to answer your question. 

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  • H Noel Jackson, Jr

    Hi -

    Below is what I am trying access to move the files to my laptop.  I must be doing something wrong or I am not permitte to access



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  • France

    Thanks for responding back!

    It looks like this Shared link access is set to "People in your company" which makes the link accessible only to people who are managed on a Box account (Business and other higher plans) and have an email address that uses the same email domain registered with Box for the account that created the link.

    To explain this access type, please take a look at this article: 

    • People in your company:  Only people who: (1) are managed on a Box account (Starter and above); (2) have an email address that matches a domain registered with Box for the account that created the link, can access the link. For example, if is a registered domain on your account, all managed account members with an email address ending in can access this type of link. People who do not match a domain listed on your account cannot access the link, even if they are managed members on your account.

    Accessing this link with your Personal Box will not work due to this restriction. You can reach out to the owner of the link or the person who shared this to you and request if they can set the link access to a less restrictive type such as "People with the link"

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