Email Upload functionality questions

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    Hi Kim, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for posting!

    I'd be happy to help answer your questions regarding Box Email Upload feature to the best of my knowledge:

    1. It seems that enabling email uploads to a folder allows a managed user who is not a collaborator on that folder to still upload to it (unless the specific setting for 'collaborators only' is checked).  But can a user who is not a managed user in this domain perform an email upload if they are provided with the folder's email address as defined in the settings for that folder?  (That seems a little light on security so I need to fully understand how this works.) --- Yes, users do not actually need to be logged into Box to upload via email as a result, you may see "Anonymous" making those uploads (again, that is if the option "Only allow email uploads from collaborators in this folder" is not enabled).
    2. Who can enable the folder setting to allow email upload?  Owners, Co-owners, and Editors? --- Correct, only Owners, Co-owners, and Editors has the necessary permission to enable/disable this setting.
    3. I assume setting a folder's settings to allow email upload has to be done on a folder-by-folder basis and there is no way to do a "mass" setting change of this value? --- Correct, there is currently no way to enable this setting at once for all your folders, and has to be done on a folder by folder basis.
    4. Are there any security concerns with allowing email upload? --- From a security standpoint, the main item to be aware of is that if the specific setting for 'collaborators only' is not checked, anyone with that email address can use email uploads to upload to that folder. We do understand that each enterprise might have unique security concerns, so if you have any additional concerns, please reach out to your enterprise's Customer Success Manager or CSM to go over how to best set up features for your enterprise's use case.

    Thanks again for reaching out and for your participation in the forum!

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  • Kim Henning

    Thanks so much for the comprehensive response!

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  • France

    Happy to help, Kim!

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