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Microsoft Edge Blocking downloads

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  • France

    Hi Max, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Can you make sure that your Firewall is configured correctly for Box use so that your computer's security software wont see Box as unsafe source?

    For more details, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696434-Configuring-A-Firewall-For-Box-Applications

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  • Max Riggs

    Hi, It's not my Firewall, it is Edge Smart Screen.  The Chrome browser downloads them fine.

    And it's not just me, two friends I sent the download link to, also had the download blocked.

    I've also tried multiple other of my files and they all seem to be blocked.

    It also worked fine last month, not sure when the change happened.  Seems like Microsoft incorrectly lists box.com as a bad site.  


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  • France

    Hi Max, 

    I've found this Microsoft forum on how you can add a Trusted site on Edge that might be helpful: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftedge/forum/all/trusted-sites-in-edge-browser/22cf12fa-b220-4b51-8f7a-7927a71ba084 

    If you are still having issues, you may need to reach out to Microsoft support so they further look into this. 

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  • Max Riggs

    Thanks, I sent a feedback request to MS yesterday, but was hoping someone here might have a way to contact them directly.  Since this is happening to more than just me, it could also be impacting a lot of box.com customers.  

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  • Daniel

    Having same issue, with quite a few people not being able to download the links I send them. Obviously Microsoft Edge is not seeing Box as safe. Very annoying and unprofessional. Would expect Box support to step up and address this properly rather than just sending us to Microsoft. 

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  • Max Riggs

    Hi Daniel, I got a hold of MS support and have been working with them for the last several days.  They just made a change to SmartScreen which allowed me to once again download files from box.com from the Edge Browser. Try it to see if it now works for you.



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  • Daniel

    Ok thanks for that Max.

    Will ask people to try again.



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  • Max Riggs

    This is the final resolution from Microsoft and was what I originally asked Box.com to do.  Have Box.com contact Microsoft to let Microsoft know that Edge was blocking the box.com site incorrectly because they are the site owner.

    In future if  there is false warning occurred, report a false warning, the quickest way to have it addressed is to report it using the feedback link on the SmartScreen warning page as a Site Owner. This ensures that the issue is put into system so team members can investigate it as soon as possible. Site Owner reports are prioritized, so they can be addressed quickly.

    From the SmartScreen warning page, click More information | Report that this site doesn’t contain malware threats |

    I am the owner or representative of this website and I want to report an incorrect warning about it.

    Fill out the form completely and submit.  You will receive an email confirming receipt of your report.

    There is more information about SmartScreen here: https://feedback.smartscreen.microsoft.com/smartscreenfaq.aspx

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