

  • Official comment

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Kindly check out this article for the process of requesting for a refund: Requesting a Refund

    If you would like further clarification or have questions about the charges to your account, please send an email to

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  • Marcia Youker

    I also would like a refund! I NEVER subscribed and have a $180 charge?


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  • Gary L Staffield

    I would like a refund. I was looking for 1 report and thought it was about $10. instead you took $500 plus out of my account after I requested a refund within a few days and I replied to your e mail that was supposed to close my account. Do you treat all your customers with such distain? I couldn't Make my car payment because of you. please refund my money. I have no need of your services, none. Why would you want to take peoples money for a service they will never use. This seems to be a pattern of your company, in the reviews. I tried to cancel the subscription within a few days and you tried to run my card several times untill I had money in my account, can't you take a hint. I put my card info on the sight, but never authorized use, I left the sight without deleting my info and also it says in your info that you have 14 days to cancel. PLEASE REFUND MY MONEY. I'M NOT A WEALTHY PERSON AND I DESPERATELY NEED THAT MONEY AS I AM ON A FIXED INCOME. I was trying to get a report from a customer of yours, Attorney David Terry and they had forgot to give me a link. I'm sorry I swore in my replies, but I have had to replace 2 cards this year due to hacking. PLEASE REFUND MY MONEY. #2811036    THANK YOU, GARY STAFFIELD.

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