

  • AJ

    Hi Billy,

    Welcome to the Box Community! 
    This issue would be better addressed by our Product Support. I've created a ticket for you. Please check your email for updates. 


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  • Crystal C. Thompson

    I agree. I have no idea what this is, and when I scan the QR code it does nothing. I have no idea how I'm supposed to set this up. 

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  • Mara Hamilton

    I am trying to do the same thing.  What is the authenticator app?  How do I get access?  

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  • Mimi Huybers

    When setting up 2FA, a pop-up asks you to choose use of an app or text. The app is recommended and the description contains a link that says: "View suggested authenticator apps." When I click on it, I'm taken to this page "Multi-Factor Authentication Set Up for Your Account," which doesn't include info about suggested authenticator apps. 

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  • Mara Hamilton

    Yes I had the same problem, when I reached Help they had me download 'Duo Mobile' app and then I was able to access with that. 

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