Only box admin left the company

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  • France

    Hi Andy, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    Admin transfer requests require some account specific information, so I've submitted a case to Box Support on your behalf. You should be receiving an email confirmation shortly.
    Kindly check your email for details and further instructions.
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  • CCC Grounds Chair

    I have the exact same issue.  Can you assist?

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  • Drew DeWalt

    France - I am an admin, but the other 2 admins on my account are both no longer with the company. Box won't let me delete them or change their permissions. I really need to get our Box admin tightened up. Thanks. 

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  • France

    Hi Everyone, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    If your current Admin has left your organization and need to transfer the Admin role to another user, you can follow the guidelines provided in this article: 

    If you are unable to delete or perform the steps in this article, please login to your Box account and click this link to Open a ticket with our Product Support team and someone from the team will reach out to further assist you.

    Thanks for posting and please let me know if you have any questions!

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