Merging 2 emails in to one box account

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  • France

    Hi Lori, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    This would be something Product Support team can investigate and may require specific account information. I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. 
    Please check your email for details and updates. Thanks for your patience!
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  • Rob Morris

    Hello I have the same issue.  How can I crate a ticket to talk with agent to resolve?

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  • France

    Hi Rob, 

    Thanks for reaching out and for joining on this thread!

    I see that you've already submitted a ticket for this issue and our support representative already addressed this issues.

    Please reach out and respond to your active ticket if there’s anything you need or should you have any questions.


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  • Paul Harwood

    hello, I am trying to submit a request to merge my two email accounts like the above question into one, and drop one of the emails. No where will it let me contact support to submit a ticket. I keep getting directed to the forum. thanks.


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  • Patrick O'Connor

    Hi I got the same problem, got 2 Box accounts (Email 1 and Email 2) but would like to cancel the old one (Email 1) permanently so that I can link Email 2 to my email 1). pls advise how to resolve.


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  • Nancy Shaw

    I have two Box logins with two separate email addresses (both mine). The box account is paid for by my church. I want to have one account with one email address. Please create a support ticket for me:

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